Clean and Unclean Foods

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Preview: God has set a perfect diet before us for our health and well-being.

Scripture Reading: Ezekiel 22:23-31.

Memory Verse: I Corinthians 10:31.

1. Can the saints of God be partakers of the Lord’s table and tables of devils? I Corinthians 10:20-22.
2. What will God do with the man who defiles his own temple? I Corinthians 3:16-17.
3. How does God regard the wisdom of this world? I Corinthians 3:19.
4. Why should the health of the body be preserved? I Corinthians 6:20.
5. Did the Lord know we would have ministers and priests that put no difference between clean and unclean? Ezekiel 22:26.
6. How did the Devil beguile Adam and Eve? Genesis 3:1-6.
Note: It was through appetite that Satan gained our first parents by eating the forbidden food. The same Devil is at work today. We cannot glorify God by eating and drinking everything.
7. Is the Lord a changeable God? Malachi 3:6.
8. How firmly and how everlasting are the words of God? Ecclesiastes 3:14.
9. Is Jesus Christ the same today and forever? Hebrews 13:8.
Note: Many are accusing the Father and the Son of making changes, when they firmly testify they make no changes.
10. Should the children of God eat all manner of creatures? Leviticus 11:1-12.
11. What may we eat, and not eat, of the fowls of the heavens? Leviticus 11:13-20.
12. May we eat of the swine? Leviticus 11:7-8.
13. Did the Lord foretell of a religious people that would eat swine flesh and abominable things claiming to be very holy? Isaiah 65:2-4.
14. What will be the end of those that continue eating swine’s flesh? Isaiah 66:17.
15. Did Peter see the unclean beasts cleansed in his vision on the house top? Acts 10:10-16.
16. Did Peter then understand what was cleansed in that vision after Peter reached Cornelius’ house? Acts 10:28.
17. Did Peter understand that the sow was still filthy in his Epistle? II Peter 2:21-22.
Note: Peter, being filled with the Holy Ghost, in the upper room, refused to accept the unclean beasts as his meal. Trichinosis is not a bacterial disease caused by spoiled meat, but an infection of perfectly sound pork by tiny worm-like parasite; the disease develops mainly in hogs fed garbage containing already infected pork scraps. Protection lies in cooking pork thoroughly. Government authorities cannot combat the danger from trichinosis meat, because there is no test except by actual destruction of meat fibers and microscopic examination. (Regardless of our Government statements as to how we should cook the pork, our Heavenly Father said: “It is unclean to you.” Whose voice will you obey?)
18. Why has the Lord restricted His people to a clean diet? Deuteronomy 14:2-3.

Other Lessons* in this series:

Clean and Unclean Foods
Clean and Unclean Foods II

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.