Clean and Unclean Food II

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Preview: Even in Paul’s day the Church was having trouble over food. There are people today who claim to believe there is no restriction on food and that we may eat everything, but there are some things that they cannot or will not eat. Since this is true, let us take God’s rule; it is always best.

Scripture Reading: I Corinthians 10:23-33.

Memory Verse: Romans 14:1.

1. What should our conduct be when invited to a feast by a non-Christian? I Corinthians 10:27.
2. What was the problem Paul was dealing with? I Corinthians 10:28.
3. What was man’s food before death entered? Genesis 1:29.
4. What were the beasts and fowls to eat? Genesis 1:30.
Note: We see from the foregoing Scripture that God gave all the herbs to the beasts and fowls for food and He gave man the portion that was seed-bearing. Here we have two different portions.
5. What were God’s instructions to Noah just before the flood? Genesis 7:1-4.
6. What did Noah do just before the flood? Genesis 8:20.
7. What did God tell Noah he could eat? Genesis 9:3.
Note: God’s divine plan of the clean and unclean was in the instruction God gave Noah before he entered the ark. If Noah had used any of the unclean animals when he offered sacrifices to God then that particular species would have been destroyed. The unclean animals entered the ark in two pairs while the clean went by seven pairs each. The result would have been the same if he had eaten one.
8. What did God tell His people they should eat? Deuteronomy 14:4-11.
9. Should one eat forbidden food in order not to offend? Leviticus 20:25.
10. How is food sanctified? I Timothy 4:5.
11. Did Paul have problems over food in the Church in his day? Romans 14:1-4.
Note: Today many are still vegetarians. Others not only eat all the herbs that are clean but the meat which God has given for clean food. We should not condemn as long as the foods are clean.

Other Lessons* in this series:

Clean and Unclean Foods
Clean and Unclean Foods II

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.