The Millennium: Part 2 of 2

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Preview: God’s plans for us at the time of the end. This is the second of a two-part lesson on this subject. 

Pre-reading: I John 5:11-21 & II John 1:1-11. 

Scripture Reading: Daniel 12:1-10. 

Memory Verse: I Corinthians 4:5. 

1. Was Daniel advised to judge nothing before the time was right even though God inspired him to prophecy concerning the coming Kingdom and Judgment? See the Scripture Reading and Memory Verse. 
Note: Even today we must be careful not to try to interpret prophecy before God is ready to reveal it. However, we must study and know what is written or we cannot understand prophecy when the time does come. Only the wise will understand. 
2. How did the Angel Michael explain this to Daniel? Daniel 12:9-10. 
3. Why will the wise recognize the signs of the times? Mark 13:19 & Mark 13:33-37. 
4. What takes place after the final destruction of Satan and his angels? Revelation 20:12-15. 
5. What happens after the Judgment? I Corinthians 15:24-26. 
6. What happens when the Father receives the Kingdom? Revelation 21:2-3. 
7. What great promise is given to those who inherit the Kingdom? Revelation 21:4-7. 
8. What will we do if we are Kingdom heirs? Revelation 22:14 & Matthew 19:16-17. 
Note: It is impossible to be a child of the King without being obedient to the Laws of God. That is why Adam and Eve were cast out of paradise in the first place. 
9. Is it possible to be obedient to God without loving Him with all our heart? Why or why not? Discuss. I John 5:1-5 & I John 4:7-17. 
10. What is the conclusion of the whole matter? Ecclesiastes 12:13. 
Note: We may not fully understand just when and how the Kingdom will come, or just where we will fit into it, but it is very clear that we must love Him (and our fellowman) and obey all of His Commandments or we will be cast out. Pray for an infilling of His Holy Spirit so that this may be accomplished in your life each day. 

Other Lessons* in this series:

The Millennium: Part 1 of 2
The Millennium: Part 2 of 2

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.