The Seven Seals II

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Preview: A closer look at the seven seals prophesied in the Bible and where we are in the timeline.

Scripture Reading: Revelation 6:1-8.

Memory Verse: Revelation 1:3.

Question: Are the seven seals past, present, or future? If present, what seal are we living under? When did the first seal begin? The seven seals cover seven periods, which gives the character of the Church; the different changes that the Church passes through until the Lord comes. Take special notice and see if it fits you and your Church.

1. What did John see when the first seal was opened? Revelation 6:1-2.
Note: The white horse fitly represents the early Christian Church in its purity. Going into all the world with the Gospel message of salvation.
2. What appeared upon the opening of the second seal? Revelation 6:3-4.
3. Did Jesus forewarn the disciples that they would be killed? Matthew 24:9.
4. Did Christ foretell why some would give up the truth? For what reason? Matthew 24:10-12.
5. Was the Apostle James doomed to die? Acts 12:1-2.
6. Did Peter suffer imprisonment? Acts 12:3-5.
Note: The red horse which shows forth corruption had begun to creep into the true Church and the Church was beginning to compromise with heathenism. This period extended to the days of Constantine, when a complete union of Church and state occurred.
7. What was the color or symbol under the third seal? Revelation 6:5.
Note: The black horse fitly represents Spiritual darkness that characterized the Church from the time of Constantine until the establishment of Papel supremacy in 538 A.D.
8. What was the color and character of the fourth symbol or seal? Revelation 6:7-8.
Note: ‘Pale’ is a color that indicates a dying condition. In the dark ages, the Reformers commenced their work of exposing the true character of the Papacy and millions were martyred because they would no longer yield to Catholicism.
9. What was seen under the altar when the fifth seal was opened? Revelation 6:9.
Note: These souls were not seen under the altar in Heaven but on earth where they were martyred. They were not literally speaking, as John was shown what the followers of God would go through. This persecution came because they protested against the Mother Church. Their persecutions brought salvation to themselves, and religious liberty to us. He that will hold his place and say nothing against the Devil’s doctrine is on the Devil’s side and is a friend of the Devil.
10. What was the desire of those martyred? Revelation 6:10.
Note: Their blood cried for vengeance, just as Abel’s blood cried from the ground.
11. What will be the reward for those martyrs? Revelation 6:11.
Note: The fifth seal is practically all in the past except the resurrection and the reward of the righteous.
12. What was first seen upon the opening of the sixth seal? Revelation 6:12-13.
Note: Some would apply this to 1833, which cannot be true as at that time the stars that fell were locally and the darkening of the sun and moon was not in all parts of the world, as the above Scriptures declare.
13. What further took place under the sixth seal? Revelation 6:14-17.
Note: These verses settle the question. The mountains and islands have not moved out of their places. The war gods have not hid themselves and prayed for the rocks to fall on them. The wrath of God did not come in 1833 as some contend. It is clearly seen that the sixth seal is still future. It is clearly understood that we are living between the fifth and sixth seal. The sixth seal is connected with the second coming of Christ.
14. When did Peter say the sun would be turned into darkness and the moon into blood? Acts 2:20 & Joel 2:31.
15. What did John see as the seventh seal was opened? Revelation 8:1-2.
16. What did he further see? Revelation 8:3-5.
17. What did the first three of the seven angels do? Revelation 8:6-10.
Note: We advise every Bible student to read and study the “Seven Seals and Seven Trumpets”, as the Lord has promised a special blessing upon those that read and hear the words of these prophecies. Revelation 1:3.

Other Lessons* in this series:

The Seven Seals
The Seven Seals II

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.