Confessing and Forgiving: Part 3 of 3

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Preview: This is the third part of a three-part lesson.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 130:1-8.

Memory Verse: Psalm 86:5.

1. What was David’s testimony concerning God’s mercy and forgiveness in the foregoing Scriptures.
Note: God is more than willing to forgive and redeem sinners. If we are lost it will be our own fault.
2. What is the condition of one whose sins are forgiven? Psalm 32:1-2.
Note: Satan tries to rob us of this blessing by making us doubt that God hears our prayers and forgives our sins.
3. Was David confident of God’s forgiveness? Psalm 32:10 & Psalm 34:4-9.
4. What was his attitude toward God? Psalm 33:20-22 & Psalm 34:1-3.
5. Did Daniel acknowledge his sin and the sins of Israel? Daniel 9:3-9.
6. Did he recognize that the nation was under a curse because of disobedience? Daniel 9:10-14.
7. On what grounds did he plead his case? Daniel 9:16-19.
8. Did God hear and answer his humble prayer? Daniel 9:20-23.
Note: We should never try to bargain with God on the basis of our righteousness and good works. It is God’s righteousness and mercy that forgives and blesses us. It is high time that the nations and individuals recognize their creator and humble themselves to pray, turning from their wicked ways. Then, He will hear from Heaven and heal our sin sick land. II Chronicles 7:14.
9. What will we do when we truly confess and repent from the heart? Matthew 3:5-6 & Acts 19:18-19.
Note: Sincere repentance causes us to take action against sin.
10. What takes place in Heaven when one sinner repents? Luke 15:10.
Note: When we are willing to confess and forsake our sins He forgives and cleanses us from all unrighteousness. I John 1:9. When the Lord sets us free from sin, we are free indeed. John 8:36. He bids us go and sin no more lest something worse happens to us. John 5:14. Jesus not only sets us free from the condemnation of sin, He sets us free from the desire and practice of sin when we are born of the Spirit. Romans 8:1-4. Many teach that Jesus only set us free from the condemnation, but leaves us free to continue practicing sin. This is a dangerous doctrine. We must confess and forsake if we hope to be forgiven.

Other Lessons* in this series:

Confessing and Forgiving: Part 1 of 3
Confessing and Forgiving: Part 2 of 3
Confessing and Forgiving: Part 3 of 3

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.