Sin and Repentance: Part 2 of 2

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Preview: This is the second part of a two-part lesson concerning sin and repentance in the life of a Christian.

Scripture Reading: Revelation 2:18-26.

Memory Verse: Revelation 3:19.

1. Can we see from the foregoing Scriptures the danger of not repenting when God rebukes us?
2. How did God describe the sins of the Laodicean Church? Revelation 3:14-15 & Revelation 3:17.
3. What did He say He would do to those who are lukewarm? Revelation 3:16.
4. What solution did He offer for this condition? Revelation 3:18 & Revelation 3:20-22.
Note: God has given us a way of escape through Christ Jesus, but we must accept it with our whole heart. Lukewarm Christians make Him spit you out. They are double minded and undependable in all their ways. They have one eye on spiritual things, and the other eye on the world. No man can serve two masters. Matthew 6:24.
5. What will the truly repentant sinner do? Psalm 38:15-22.
6. What leads sinners to repentance? Romans 2:4 & II Corinthians 7:8-10.
Note: The Holy Spirit must make us aware of our need for God. This often is accomplished through tribulations.
7. What accompanies repentance? Luke 24:47 & Luke 19:8-10.
Note: Remission (forgiveness of sin) is granted only to those who have a spirit of repentance.
8. What did the Ninevites do when God sent them a warning? Jonah 3:5-10.
9. Will the people of Nineveh be witnesses on the Day of Judgment against all who do not repent? Luke 11:29-30, Luke 11:32.
10. What is man’s only hope of salvation? Luke 13:1-5, Acts 2:36-39 & Acts 3:19-20.
Note: When floods, fires, famine, and violence threaten our nation Jesus Christ is man’s only hope. Money, power, and fame are no refuge. Only those who repent can enter into God’s ark of safety- Psalms 91. Repentance is a change of mind, but reformation is a change of conduct. There can be no true repentance without reformation. Our actions reveal what is in our heart.

Other Lessons* in this series:

Sin and Repentance: Part 1 of 2
Sin and Repentance: Part 2 of 2

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.