Power and Authority of the Church: Part 1 of 2

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Preview: The Church has great power and authority and is set us specifically by God for us to carry on His work. This is the first of a two-part lesson on this subject.

Scripture Reading: Matthew 18:15-35.

Memory Verse: Matthew 18:5.

1. Did the Lord organize a system for ruling and government in His Church? Discuss. I Corinthians 12:28.
2. Do the powers of Heaven recognize the decisions of the Church? Matthew 18:18.
3. Why does the Church have the authority to make decisions? Matthew 16:19.
Note: The Holy Spirit is the instrument that unlocks the mystery of God. It gives the Church a clear vision and helps it to make decisions according to the Word of God. The Spirit of God will lead His Church to operate in harmony with His Word. Things are bound and loosed in Heaven as they are bound and loosed by the Church. The Church is God’s highest order on earth.
4. What command do the ministers have from God? II Timothy 4:2.
5. How should sinners be rebuked in God’s Church? I Timothy 5:20.
6. Should the Church support those who labor for it? I Timothy 5:18.
7. How should an elder be entreated? I Timothy 5:1.
Note: Many times the ministers are rebuked for the firm stand they must take against sin. They are often disliked when they rebuke and denounce sinners. Let us remember that God commanded us to entreat the elders as fathers.
8. What did Paul say concerning the elders in God’s Church? I Timothy 5:17.
9. Should the Church accept a complaint against the elder from one individual? I Timothy 5:19.
Note: An elder should be respected as a father, advisor, teacher, chairman, and bishop. Honor is due him if he rules well. The Church is injured when members criticize and rebuke him.
10. Should the minister take tithes from the brethren? Hebrews 7:5.

To Be Continued…

Other Lessons* in this series:

Power and Authority of the Church: Part 1 of 2
Power and Authority of the Church: Part 2 of 2

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.