The Resurrection of Jesus: On Which Day?

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Preview: It is of extreme importance that we recognize the actual day on which Jesus arose. By reading the following Scriptures carefully you will gain a greater understanding of this crucial time. 

Scripture Reading: I Corinthians 15:1-21. 

Memory Verse: I Corinthians 15:4. 

1. Why is it essential for us to know the time of the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ? I Corinthians 15:3-4. 
Note: Jesus was to die according to the Scripture, therefore let us learn what the Scriptures say. 
2. What did Jesus say for how long He would remain in the earth? Matthew 12:39-40. 
3. Who was the first to speak against the sign of Jesus? Matthew 27:62-66. 
Note: The Pharisees were very worried over the sign that Jesus gave. They did all in their power to seal the grave and place a guard to ensure that Jesus could never come out. The Chief Priests also did what they could to keep Him in the grave. We have the same today; preachers speaking against the only sign of Jesus. 
4. What happened to the guardsmen and the seal when the angel of the Lord appeared at the grave? Matthew 28:2-4. 
5. What did the guards do? Did they praise God upon their knees when they came to? Matthew 28:11. 
6. Did the Chief Priests and elders make another attempt to destroy the sign of Jesus’ resurrection? Matthew 28:12-15. 
Note: It is the sign of Jesus in the grave for three days and three nights that the Devil wishes to destroy today. He wants us all to believe that Jesus was crucified on Friday and rose Sunday morning. 
7. On what day of the week did Jesus come out of the grave? Matthew 28:1-2. 
Note: The end of the Sabbath is not Sunday morning. The Revised Version renders this text more accurately, “Late on the Sabbath day.” The original Greek version is plainer than all, “Now late on the Sabbath as it was getting dusk toward the first day of the week, came Mary and the other Mary to see the sepulcher...” As they visited the grave on the first day of the week, they found an empty tomb, with a live message, “He is risen.” The stone was rolled away Saturday evening, or on the end of the Sabbath as it was getting dusk toward the first day of the week. 
8. Who ordered the guards to be placed at the tomb? Matthew 27:65-66. 
Note: It was the clergymen of that day that feared the sign of Jesus and tried to make it impossible for Jesus to come forth from the grave. 
9. Who remembered the sayings of Jesus and was troubled over them? Matthew 27:62-64. 
Note: The preachers of that day were very troubled over the sayings of Jesus coming true. 
10. What day of the week did Jesus die according to the Scripture? Daniel 9:27. 
Note: The midst of the week is not Friday, but Wednesday. Counting from Wednesday evening at sunset, to Saturday evening sunset, we have three days and three nights. You can’t possibly count three days and three nights from Friday evening to Sunday morning. The clergymen of today are trying to do as they did of old, destroy the only sign that Jesus was the Messiah. It can’t be done. Praise the Lord. 
11. Was Jesus buried on the preparation of the seventh day Sabbath? John 19:42 & John 19:14. 
12. What day followed that preparation day? John 19:31. 
Note: The High Sabbath day was a Sabbath besides the seventh day Sabbath. John tells us that it was the Sabbath of the Passover, and not the weekly Sabbath. 
13. Were there Sabbath days besides the seventh day Sabbath? Discuss. Leviticus 23:38-39. 
Note: These Sabbaths were a part of the sacrificial laws, which met their end on the cross, called the commandments of ordinance. 
14. What were the ordinances which were nailed to the cross? Colossians 2:14-17. 
Note: The Sabbaths referred to do not include the seventh day Sabbath. The seventh day Sabbath will be kept in the new Heaven and new earth. Isaiah 66:22-23. 
15. How many times is Easter mentioned in the Bible? Acts 12:3-4. 
Note: Only one time is the word Easter in the Bible. And that is referring to the old Passover, which was at this time done away with. The Passover is not to be kept today, neither is Easter. Christ did not rise on Easter Sunday, but in the end of the Sabbath.