The Signs of the Time

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Preview: There are many signs of the coming end that appear to be happening in our times. We are indeed drawing close to the Day of Judgment. God’s children should look on this time with relief and joy that the promise is coming and that the misery found on earth is nearly over.

Scripture Reading: Matthew 24:1-28.

Memory Verse: II Timothy 3:1-2.

1. Many people believe that the following passage describes the time in which we are now living. Is there anything in it to substantiate their belief? II Timothy 3:1-7.
2. What signs do we have to prove that the end of the world is near? Matthew 24:3-8.
3. How does God describe those who do not believe on His name? Isaiah 42:18-20 & Ezekiel 12:1-2.
4. What modern methods are employed in fulfilling the prophecy in Matthew 24:14?
5. What signs did Paul outline in I Timothy 4:1-3?
6. To what other sign did Paul draw our attention? II Thessalonians 2:1-4.
7. Discuss Ezekiel’s account of the signs of the end. Ezekiel 7:12-13, Ezekiel 7:19, Ezekiel 7:22 & Ezekiel 7:25.
8. What should the Christians do in the last days? Luke 21:28.
Note: The signs are fast fulfilling as we can see. This lesson attempts to draw to your attention only a few of them to stir up your pure minds. Another certain sign is that of the Jews returning to Israel and their wars with the other nations which break out every so often. Take Jesus’ advice: “Look up…for your redemption draweth nigh.” Luke 21:28.