Nebuchadnezzar's Dream: Part 2 of 2

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Preview: This is the second part of a two-part lesson of the same name. 

Scripture Reading: Daniel 2:37-47. 

Memory Verse: Daniel 2:36. 

1. How did Daniel interpret the king’s dream? Daniel 2:37-38. 
2. Whose kingdom was to rise to power? Daniel 2:39. 
3. What was the character of the fourth kingdom? Daniel 2:40. 
4. What was the character of the feet and toes? Daniel 2:41-42. 
5. Would men try to unite iron and clay into one body? What does this mean? Daniel 2:43. 
6. When will the Kingdom of God be set up? To whom will it belong? Daniel 2:44. 
7. What did Daniel say about this dream? Daniel 2:45. 
8. How did it affect the king? Daniel 2:46. 
9. Did the king accept Daniel’s interpretation? What did he do? Daniel 2:47. 
10. How did the king show his appreciation? Daniel 2:48. 
11. What office did Daniel assign to his three brethren? Daniel 2:49. 
Note: The dream is a marvel to men today. The kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar was the Assyrian kingdom, the first to hold universal sway. Its duration was 63 years, and was overthrown by the Meads and Persians, and they were overthrown by the Grecian kingdom headed by Alexander the Great. The two iron limbs represent Pagan Rome, eastern and western empire, which changed into the Papacy in 538 A.D. In the early part of the 18th century, we entered the feet of iron and clay; a divided state, and will continue to the end. The big four has tried to unite the nations into one, but up to the present time they have failed, as the clay and iron will not stay together, but in this divided condition, God will set up His Kingdom, never to be broken or divided again. 
12. When will the God of Heaven set up His Kingdom? Revelation 11:15. 
13. What should be our daily prayer? Matthew 6:10. 
14. With what prayer do the Scriptures close? Revelation 22:20. 
15. How will Christ’s coming affect those that are dead? II Timothy 4:1. 
16. What should be our mission as we know those things? Matthew 28:19. 
Note: We can all have a part in the closing message if we can’t preach, or go out and teach, we can hold up the hands of those that are out in the vineyard. 

Other Lessons* in this series:

Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream: Part 1 of 2
Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream: Part 2 of 2

*Lessons in a series may not necessarily be in the same category.