Our Pattern

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Preview: Christ was sent to us so that we may learn from Him the way to true peace, happiness, and eternal life. We must pattern our lives after His in order to achieve the promise.

Scripture Reading: I Peter 2:15-25.

Memory Verse: I Peter 2:22.

1. In whose steps should we follow? I Peter 2:21.
2. How should the Christian walk? Colossians 2:6.
3. What mind should be in us? Philippians 2:5.
Note: The mind of Christ was characterized by humility, dependence upon God, a determination to do only the Father’s will, thoughtfulness of others, and a willingness to sacrifice and suffer, and even to die, for the good of others.
4. What example did Christ set in the matter of obeying His parents when He was a child? Luke 2:51.
5. How are His childhood and youth described? Luke 2:52.
6. What example did He set concerning baptism? Matthew 3:13-15.
7. How did Christ teach the prayerful life? Luke 6:12.
8. To what kind of work did Christ devote His life? Acts 10:38.
9. For whom and why did Christ leave the riches of Heaven? II Corinthians 8:9.
10. What did He do when He was reviled and mistreated? I Peter 2:23.
11. How did He pray for those who crucified Him? Luke 23:34.
12. What is the inspired testimony concerning Him? Hebrews 1:9.
Note: Jesus is our pattern in all walks of life. We are not left in darkness about His trials, tests, tribulations, and even death. Let us study the life Jesus lived and apply it to our lives that we may have the joy of having a part with Him in that Kingdom He has gone to prepare for those that love Him.