Why Did Christ Use Parables in His Teaching?

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Preview: Christ’s teaching methods are explored in this lesson. Note: a parable is a comparison or similitude of two or more things. It is a short story drawn from life or nature from which an important lesson is taught or a deep moral is drawn.

Scripture Reading: Matthew 6:24-34.
Note: Mammon is defined as: wealth and riches considered as an evil and corrupt influence.

Memory Verse: Matthew 6:27.

1. How did David describe the teachings of Christ? Psalm 78:1-2.
2. By what parable did Jesus describe His teaching the Word of God? Matthew 13:3-8.
3. What did Jesus say to those who heard His parable concerning the man who went forth to sow? Matthew 13:9.
4. Did the disciples question Him for speaking in parables? Matthew 13:10.
5. What reason did Jesus give for His method of teaching? Matthew 13:11-13.
Note: Helping men to understand the mysteries relative to the Kingdom of Heaven was Christ’s objective for teaching with parables. He endeavored to uncover truths which had been hidden with sin and traditions.
6. Did Christ want His teaching to be understood? Matthew 13:51.
7. Were parables used in all of Christ’s teachings? Matthew 13:34.
8. Did Christ instruct His disciples to follow His example in teaching the truth? Matthew 13:52.
9. What was Paul’s advice to the Corinthians? I Corinthians 4:16.
10. Who was Paul following when he asked the Corinthians to follow him? I Corinthians 11:1.
11. From whom did Paul receive his ministry? Acts 20:24.
12. What touching parables did Christ give relative to the joy in Heaven over those who repent of their sins? Luke 15:3-7 & Luke 15:11-24.
Note: Using parables is a method of teaching which often explains deep truths to those who have very little wisdom and understanding.