Continuance in Prayer

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Preview: Prayer is our method of communication with the Lord. We must always go to Him in prayer; either for thanksgiving or in times of need. He will always answer the prayer of a righteous soul.

Scripture Reading: Luke 18:1-8.

Memory Verse: Luke 11:10.

1. What was the purpose of the widow going to the judge? Luke 18:3.
2. Did she receive her wish on the first request? Luke 18:4.
3. What caused the judge to change his mind and reward the widow? Luke 18:5.
4. What was Christ’s instruction about prayer? Luke 18:1.
Note: If we would take an honest look at our own prayer requests we might find that we ask God for things with great concern once or twice, and then fail to mention the matter again, especially if we don’t receive it. But look at the widow, she did not give up but continued to ask for what she desired. If we don’t want something enough to persist in prayer, why should we think God is going to let us have it?
5. Will God always answer our prayers the way we want Him to? II Corinthians 12:8-9.
6. How did Paul accept this answer? Did he think it was for his good? II Corinthians 12:10.
7. Is it possible that our prayers are answered when we do not recognize it? II Kings 6:15-17.
Note: God’s resources are all around us, but we do not always see them.
8. Are we, as believers, prone to doubt the validity of God’s answers to our prayers? Acts 12:1-17.