Characteristics of Christian Teachers

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Preview: Those who are chosen to teach the Lord’s word must have very specific strengths and gifts in order to do so effectively. These qualities are outlined throughout the Bible.

Scripture Reading: James 3:1-18.

Memory Verse: II Timothy 2:15.

1. What warning does Jesus make against many masters? James 3:1.
Note: The office of teacher is a noble one, but few are fit for it. Few govern the tongue well. Only those that can govern the tongue well are fit for the office of teacher. If teachers abuse the office, they shall receive the greater condemnation.
2. How are horses controlled and turned about? James 3:3.
3. How are the ships of the sea turned about? James 3:4.
4. How can the tongue kindle fire and defile the body? James 3:5-6.
5. What is considered to be unruly evil? Can the tongue be tamed as the animals and birds? James 3:7-8.
6. How can we praise God and curse men with the same tongue? James 3:9.
7. Is God pleased with service of this kind? Why? James 3:10.
8. What does the analogy: Can a fountain send forth sweet and bitter water, salt and fresh water, at the same time, refer to? James 3:11-12.
9. How should a wise man direct his conversation? James 3:13.
Note: We cannot serve two masters. We cannot speak good and evil. Therefore, a teacher should be one chosen that is able to bridle his tongue and show forth a good conversation in Christ Jesus.
10. Should we glory in envy and strife? James 3:14.
11. Where does envy and strife come from, above or beneath? James 3:15.
12. What is connected with envy and strife? James 3:16.
13. What is the true character of wisdom? James 3:17.
14. Why are we exhorted to patience? James 1:4.
15. How perfect does Christ tell us to be? Matthew 5:48.
16. In whom are we complete? Colossians 2:10.
17. Should a teacher study the Word? Why? II Timothy 2:15.
Note: A teacher should be a student of the Bible; one that understands the Word of God that he might enlighten those that may not know.
18. How are those described who have a form of godliness but who deny the power? II Timothy 3:5-7.
Note: The above people, even though they are studying the Bible, are not fit subjects for teachers, if they are not able to come to the knowledge of the truth, how can they teach others? Let us seek for the leading of the Holy Spirit that will guide us into ALL TRUTH and will make us able teachers and messengers for God.