Do We Have a Spiritual Church Today?

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Preview: God has an expectation of excellence from His Church that we are expected to uphold. There is no room to be lazy or lax in our duties to the Lord regardless of the times we now live in or the expectations of our fellowmen.

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 5:17-33.

Memory Verse: Ephesians 5:26.

1. What is the character of the Church that is spiritual and without fault? Ephesians 5:27.
Note: This is the goal for which the Church must be reaching and striving: without spot and blemish.
2. How may the Church be cleansed and washed? Ephesians 5:26.
3. Will the last day Church have any part in making herself ready, clean, and white? Revelation 19:7-8.
4. What remedy may the Church apply to those who refuse to be cleansed? Titus 3:10.
5. To whom has God revealed this mystery? Matthew 11:25.
6. What is the character of the Church that is indifferent and careless? Revelation 3:16.
7. What is the condition of the Church that is satisfied with its present knowledge of the Lord? Revelation 3:17.
8. How does the Lord counsel us to become clothed with the white raiment? Revelation 3:18.
9. Where does the Lord plead and what part may we have in cooperating with God? Revelation 3:20.
10. How are the saints of God made white and washed? Revelation 7:13-14.
11. How faithful were they in serving the Lord? Revelation 7:15.
12. What part will the young men and women have in the service of God in the last days? Acts 2:17.
Note: Men, women, young men, and young women are all called upon to give the message of the last days.
13. Will the handmaidens have any part in the last day’s message? Acts 2:18.
14. What should be the character of every member? II Peter 3:14.
Note: The Word is to be used by the ministers to regulate the lives of the members.
15. How may the just shine unto a perfect day? Proverbs 4:18.
16. Why can’t all men and women see these wonderful truths? Matthew 13:9-11 & Matthew 11:25.
Note: We find a few that are standing alone because they say there is no Spiritual Church. They can find no Church without fault. The Church of God is not composed of one member, but many. A few disobedient ones do not destroy the Church or its name. It just adds more work to the Church. A Church that will not raise its standard of perfection will never become the last day Church. We must all proclaim the saving message to the world as God said He would pour out His Spirit on ALL flesh.