God's Call to Righteous Living

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Preview: God has revealed His will to all the nations, and we have the free will to accept or reject His Word.

Scripture Reading: Amos 5:4-15.

Memory Verse: Amos 5:14.

1. What did Amos say was the condition of the leaders in his day? Amos 5:10.
2. Would they enjoy their ill-gotten gain they had received by treading upon the poor? Amos 5:11.
3. Did Amos indicate that there was no justice in the courts of the land? Amos 5:12.
4. What affect did this condition have on the persons that were against evil? Amos 5:13.
5. Were the people admonished to make a full commitment to God and good? Amos 5:15.
Note: Thank God for men like Amos who are not afraid to declare the Word of God, even under adverse conditions. Let us continue to pray for those who have the courage to speak against injustice and corruption, even at the risk of their own lives.
6. Did God accept the offerings that the people made to Him? What did He say about their form of worship? Amos 5:22-24.
7. Why did Israel not have a monopoly on God? Amos 9:7 & Acts 10:34-35.
8. What was Israel’s claim to God’s favor based upon? Exodus 19:5-8.
9. What did Solomon say about righteousness? About sin? Proverbs 14:34.
Note: Where sin is concerned, there are no privileged nations or individuals; nor should we deceive ourselves into believing that God takes no notice of evil. However, by the mercy of God we can choose the other way; the way of life and not death. But we must make the choice! And we should know that unless our relationship with God, broken by sin, is restored, all hope is gone.