Redemption Through The Blood Of The Lamb

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Definition of redemption:  The act of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil. 


Preview: Since the beginning of creation, God has had a plan for us. Because of sin and worldly desire, man has strayed from God’s plan and brought evil into their hearts. The Lord created a new covenant with man, saving us from eternal damnation through the sacrifice of His son, Jesus. Jesus ultimately took on our sin so that we may be blessed to enter New Jerusalem. For those who believe that Jesus came to earth to be the last sacrifice, removing the old covenant, and have accepted the Lord into their hearts, they are redeemed through the blood of the Lamb.


Scripture reading: Revelation 5:9-14.


Memory verse: Ephesians 1:7.


1. Discuss the way people prior to Jesus had to show their devotion to God. Was this how they achieved forgiveness? Leviticus 1:2, 4-10.

2. Was forgiveness mentioned in the Old Testament? Discuss. Micah 7:18-19, Isaiah 1:18, Numbers 14:19-21.

Note: The promise of redemption and salvation was prevalent through the Old Testament scripture. Prophets such as Isaiah and Jeremiah and the psalms of David spoke to God’s love for us, and His willingness to remove our sins. Because evil continued in the hearts of men, straying from God and His plan, Jesus was sent to bring us a new covenant from God.

3. Why was it necessary for God to send Jesus as our redeemer? Isaiah 43:14, Jeremiah 15:21.

4. Did God send Jesus to us to condemn the world or to save it? John 3:16-17.

5. What sacrifice was necessary for our redemption? Hebrews 9:12, Philippians 2:6-8.

6. What did Peter say about our redemption? Could it be obtained outside of Jesus’ sacrifice? I Peter 1:18-21.

7. How are we sure redemption is possible for everyone? Psalm 111:9, Luke 1:68.

8. What were Job’s thoughts on redemption and salvation through his trials? Job 19:25-26.

9. What did Paul say to the churches reminding them of our redemption through Jesus? Galatians 2:20, I Corinthians 1:30.

10. Does God forgive and forget our sins? Isaiah 44:22.

11. What is our gift through the blood of Jesus? Colossians 1:12-14.


Conclusion: We are weak and bend to evil and ungodly ways. God understood that we could never see Him in New Jerusalem without an intervention, so He sent His Son to die on the cross as the final sacrifice and to cement His new covenant with us. Only through the blood of the Lamb and the grace of God are we saved. We must give thanks and pray to God to remove our sins, then live the life of love as Jesus taught. Amen.