Angels & Demons Part 2 of 2

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Preview: Part two of a two-part lesson on the existence and purpose of angels. This lesson focuses on the angels that followed Satan over God, also known as “fallen angels”.


Scripture Reading: Ezekiel 28:13-19.


Memory Verse: II Peter 2:4.


1. According to the foregoing scriptures, why was Satan banished from Heaven?

2. What was Satan’s goal? Isaiah 14:12-14.

3. Did Jesus witness the fall of Satan? What did He describe it as? Luke 10:18.

4. Who fell with Satan? Revelation 12:4, Revelation 12:7-9.

Note: There isn’t a verse that explicitly states that one third of the angels fell with Satan, however, it is implied that Revelation 12:4 could be referring to the falling of angels from Heaven.

5. Is the devil angry and what are he and the fallen angels doing right now? Revelation 12:12, Revelation 12:17, Revelation 16:14.

6. Do the fallen angels believe in God? Are they afraid? James 2:19.

7. Can fallen angels possess people? Luke 8:30, Acts 19:13-16, Mark 7:25-26.

Note: The angels that were banished with Satan are also referred to as demons or evil spirits throughout the Bible. They are led by Satan still.

8. Are Christians supposed to participate in Pagan activities? I Corinthians 10:20-21, Deuteronomy 18:10-14.

9. Can devils read our thoughts? Matthew 9:4, I John 3:20, 1 John 5:14-15.

Answer: Nowhere in the Bible does it ever state that anyone other than God and Jesus can read the thoughts or know the inner feelings of other people. The devil and his fallen angels cannot read your thoughts unless you invite them into you. This is why you shouldn’t practice paganism. The devil is also not omnipresent and is not watching your every move; he is looking for people weakening in faith because they are easy targets. The only one with omnipresence is God. He does, however, employ his fallen angels to watch and deceive people. Be vigilant in the Word to recognize the signs of the devil’s manipulations.

10. What are God’s children struggling against and how do we defend ourselves? Ephesians 6:10-12.

11. Does Jesus have power over the demons? Describe how the demons react to Him. Mark 1:21-27, Luke 4:41.

12. What will Satan and his angels be doing in the last days and how can we recognize the signs? Matthew 7:14-20.

13. What power do Satan and his demons have over others? II Corinthians 11:14, I John 4:1, Revelation 12:9.

14. Is witchcraft and communing with the dead evil? What is the punishment? Leviticus 20:5-7.

Note: It is impossible to commune with the dead through anything but evil spirits. They are not there to help people, they are there to push people away from God’s grace. This is also why Catholics are committing evil acts by praying to dead saints. The only one you should be praying to is God.

15. How are the devil and his fallen angels going to be punished? Jude 1:6, Revelation 20:10, II Peter 2:4.