God's Blessing to Us Through Prayer

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Preview: When God’s people pray to the Lord, they ask only for what is right and good. The Lord will bless them with whatever they ask, because they want what God wants and He will do all that He can to aid His children in their fight for Him.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 145:1-21.

Memory Verse: Matthew 7:11.

1. What will God do for you if you pray? Matthew 7:11.
2. Upon what conditions are we promised needed blessings? Matthew 7:7-8.
3. How must we ask in order to receive? James 1:5-7.
4. From whom do all good and perfect gifts come? James 1:17.
5. Under what conditions will the Lord not hear prayer? James 4:3, Psalm 66:18, Isaiah 59:1-2.
6. Whose prayers are an abomination? Proverbs 28:9.
7. For whom should we pray? Matthew 5:44.
8. Why should we forgive when we pray? Mark 11:25.
9. How often should we pray? Ephesians 6:18, I Thessalonians 5:17, Psalm 145:2.