Reward for Transgressors

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Preview: The consequences of going against God are outlined throughout the Bible.

Scripture Reading: Romans 6:1-13.

Memory Verse: Genesis 2:17.

1. What are the wages of sin? Romans 6:23.
2. What was God's warning to Adam and Eve of the reward for transgression? Genesis 2:17. 
3. To whom has God pronounced the death penalty? Ezekiel 18:4.
4. How did death enter into the world? Romans 5:12.
5. Why did God once destroy the world? Genesis 6:5-7.
6. Does the mercy of God clear the guilty? Why? Numbers 14:18.
Note: God had promised death for the soul that sins. God is merciful, but His mercy does not change His promises. Let us not be deceived, for whatsoever we sow, that shall we also reap.
7. How was willful rebellion punished under the law of Moses? Hebrews 10:28.
8. What is the result of willful transgression today? Hebrews 10:26-27.
9. What awaits those who despise or transgress the ways of grace? Hebrews 10:29.
10. Do the ministers of God have authority to execute vengeance? How are they to proceed? II Timothy 2:24-26. 
11. To whom does vengeance belong? Romans 12:19.
Note: Often people attempt to hide their lives from those who proclaim the way of righteousness. Such individuals fail to realize that they should be concerned about the One who sees with an all-seeing eye, and the One who will reward every man according to the works he has done.
12. To whom does the execution of judgment belong? John 5:26-27.
13. What happens to the hearts of many who notice that evil does not always receive immediate punishment? Ecclesiastes 8:11.
14. What message has God commanded His ministers to carry? Isaiah 3:10-11.