Salvation in the Name

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Preview: There is only one name by which we are all saved. Through Christ Jesus we have a promise of eternal salvation. 

Scripture Reading: Philippians 2:1-14. 

Memory Verse: Philippians 2:14. 

1. In whose name do we find salvation? Acts 4:10-12. 
2. Why was He called Jesus? Matthew 1:21-23. 
Note: The above verses speak for themselves. He was to be called Jesus for one purpose: to save His people from their sins. And there is no other name under Heaven whereby we must be saved. Who dares to say there is no salvation in His name? When we accept His name, we accept His saving power, we accept His saving Gospel. We accept His Commandments. As a virgin marries a young man, she becomes heir to everything in that man’s name. Likewise with Christ, He has given Himself for us and He has bought us with His blood. 
3. To whom did the prophets give witness? Acts 10:43. 
4. In whose name are we to do all things? Colossians 3:17. 
5. Should sinners contend for the name of Jesus? Explain. II Timothy 2:19. 
6. Describe Christ compared to the angels. Hebrews 1:4. 
7. What is our reward if we are reproached for the name of Christ? I Peter 4:14. 
8. Who gave His name to be above all names? Philippians 2:9. 
9. In whose name are we to pray? John 14:13-14. 
Note: We cannot exalt His name too highly, and when you pray, pray in the name of Christ, as no other name will do. 
10. In what name did God command us to believe? I John 3:23. 
11. How may we know we have eternal life? I John 5:13. 
12. How can we receive life through His name? John 20:31. 
13. Will we be hated for the name of Christ? Matthew 10:22. 
14. In whose name should we be baptized? Matthew 28:19. 
15. What will be the reward for those who sacrifice homes and families for His name’s sake? Matthew 19:29. 
16. What will Christ do for those who have not denied His name? Revelation 3:8. 
17. Will deceivers come in the name of Christ? Discuss. Matthew 24:5, Matthew 24:24. 
Note: It is astounding to find so many that make war upon His name and body (Church). It is the work of the Devil, though many are doing it ignorantly, not knowing there is salvation in His name. Eternal life is in His name. May God pity those that are opposing it in ignorance.