Jesus’ Calling To His Disciples

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Preview: In this Bible lesson, we will explore the relationship between Jesus and his disciples, examining the valuable lessons they learned and the examples they set for us as followers of Christ. Through their experiences and teachings, we will gain insights into what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.


Scripture: Matthew 4:1-17


Memory Verse: Matthew 4:23


1. Who were the first disciples Jesus chose? Where did he find them and what was their occupation? Matthew 4:18-22 

2. Who did Jesus call on after performing the miracle of healing? Mark 2:5-14

3. What was Levi’s occupation? Was it a respected position? Luke 5:27-28 

Note: Jesus did not pressure those to follow Him, rather, He spoke and they followed. Jesus did not seek out scholarly and holy men, instead those who He knew would connect to those who were lost. Jesus is the light of the world and was seen that way through his disciple’s eyes immediately upon meeting Him.

4. How many apostles did Jesus appoint from His disciples? Luke 6:12-16 

5. What was Jesus teaching the disciples in these verses? Mark 9:33-35 

6. What was the commandment that Jesus gave to his disciples? Why was it important? John 13:34-35 

7. What was the lesson Jesus taught to the disciples on the boat, especially to Peter? Matthew 14:22-33 

8. What did Jesus command His disciples to do? Matthew 10:7-8

9. How were the disciples successful in their mission? Mark 6:12-13

10. Why were the disciples unable to heal the afflicted in this case? Matthew 17:14-20 

Note: Through all of the time the disciples had with Jesus, they were not perfect. Jesus showed unending patience to His followers knowing there would be doubt and backsliding. He shows the same patience to us today. 

11. What was the purpose of sharing the Passover with His disciples? Luke 22:14-20 

12.  Was it prophesied that Jesus would be betrayed by one of His followers? Matthew 26:20-25 

13. Who did Jesus identify as His betrayer? John 13:21-27

14. What happened to Jesus when He was finished praying? Matthew 26:46-47 

15. What was the significance of Jesus’ death on the cross? Read and discuss what He went through to save us from our sins. Matthew 27:32-56  

16. What did Mary Magdalene and the other Mary discover after the Sabbath? Matthew 28:1-10

17. Did the disciples see Jesus again? What were they commissioned to do? Matthew 28:16-20. 

18. Who bestowed powers upon the disciples to fulfill Jesus’ message to the world? Acts 1:8 


Conclusion: The disciples of Jesus encountered Him, learned from Him, witnessed His miracles, and were commissioned to carry His message to the world. By studying their experiences and teachings, we can gain valuable insights into what it means to be a disciple of Jesus today. May we, like the disciples, answer the call, grow in faith, proclaim the Kingdom, and fulfill the Great Commission, empowered by the Holy Spirit and guided by the teachings of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.