Rock of Ages

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Preview: Jesus is a Rock for every Christian and may be relied upon to steady us and give us strength.

Scripture Reading: I Corinthians 10:1-10. 

Memory Verse: I Corinthians 10:4. 

1. What did Moses describe God to be? Deuteronomy 32:1-4. 
2. What did the Rock of Israel say to David? II Samuel 23:3. 
3. What was David’s rock? Psalm 18:2, Psalm 18:31, Psalm 71:1-3, Psalm 94:22. 
Note: The literal rocks we have on the earth today are very important to mankind. But they are not as important to men today as they were a few centuries ago. Early men depended on rocks for shelter, hiding places during the time of battle, weapons, instruments to grind food, instruments to make fire, instruments to sharpen tools, and many other things too numerous to mention. The early Christians compared God to a rock because they learned that He could help in every aspect of life. 
4. To whom did David tell his troubles? Psalm 28:1-3, Psalm 31:1-3, Psalm 42:9-11. 
5. On what did David say his feet were setting? Psalm 40:1-2. 
6. To what did David want to be led? Psalm 61:1-2. 
7. Why did David want to be led to the high rock? Psalm 61:3-4. 
Note: The shepherd boy, David, probably depended upon a rock more than all the other people in his day. The Scriptures tell us that he conquered a giant, whom many people feared, with a small rock. No doubt he remembered this when he often described his Savior. 
8. In what are we exhorted to put our trust? Psalm 62:5-8, Isaiah 51:1-3. 
Note: Let us remember that God is our Rock, and we must be hidden in Him: Psalm 27:5. In order to be completely hidden from the enemy we must be enclosed, having the rock above, below, in front, behind, and on each side of us. 
9. Who and what did the three Hebrew boys fear? Daniel 3:16-18. 
10. What did Nebuchadnezzar have done to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego because they would not obey him? Daniel 3:19-21. 
11. How were Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego not consumed with the fire? Daniel 3:26-27. 
Note: The Hebrew boys went into the fiery furnace enclosed in the Rock Christ Jesus. King Nebuchadnezzar soon learned that the Rock which surrounded them was fire-proof. 
12. What happened to Daniel because he refused to stop praying to the God of Heaven? Daniel 6:16-17. 
13. Why did the lions not consume Daniel? Daniel 6:19-22. 
Note: The Rock in which Daniel was hid was invisible to the king and his servants, but the lions could not eat it. Daniel came out of their den unharmed, but the bones of his accusers were broken when they were cast into that same den. Daniel 6:24. They were not enclosed in that Spiritual Rock (Christ Jesus). 
14. Upon what did God build His Church? Matthew 16:18. 
15. How can we build our houses on a rock? Matthew 7:24-25. 
Note: No doubt all of us wonder how the saints of God will be protected when this world is consumed with fire and brimstone. The same Rock which protected Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego is able to protect men in the Day of Judgment. Let us make sure that we are surrounded by that Rock before the day of wrath comes.