The Passover and Exodus

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Preview: A lesson on the origin and observation of the Passover.

Scripture Reading: Exodus 12:11-17.

Memory Verse: Exodus 12:30.

1. What did the Pharaoh tell Moses after the plague of darkness? Exodus 10:28.
2. How did Moses reply? Exodus 10:29, Hebrews 11:27.
3. What did God say would happen after the next plague? Exodus 11:1.
4. What did Moses tell Pharaoh would happen? Exodus 11:4-8.
5. When did God tell Moses their year should begin? Exodus 12:1-2, Exodus 13:4.
6. How were they told to observe the Passover? Exodus 12:3-11.
7. What was to happen in Egypt? Exodus 12:12.
8. What was the token? Exodus 12:13.
9. Who did the children of Israel obey? Exodus 12:28.
10. Which promised plague did the Lord send to Egypt? Explain. Exodus 12:29-30.
11. What did Pharaoh do? Exodus 12:31-32.
12. Were the Egyptians glad for the Israelites to leave? Explain. Exodus 12:33-36.
13. Where did they first go and how many men were there? Exodus 12:37.
14. Who left with the children of Israel? Were there Egyptians with them? Exodus 12:38.
15. How long were the children of Israel in Egypt? Exodus 12:40-42.
16. What did the Passover commemorate? Exodus 12:26-27.
17. What did it symbolize? I Corinthians 5:7.
18. What did the lamb symbolize? I Peter 1:18-19, Acts 8:32-35.
19. What did Jesus give as a memorial of His death? Matthew 26:26-28, I Corinthians 11:13-26.
20. What was one restriction God gave Moses about the Passover? Exodus 12:43-45.
21. What restriction is placed on the Lord’s Supper? I Corinthians 11:27-32.
22. Were they permitted to break any bones in the paschal lamb? Exodus 12:46.
23. Were any of Jesus’ bones broken? Why? John 19:33-36.