Christians in Dress

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Preview: Modesty and lack of regard for worldly things are a mark of God’s people. Keeping up with the latest fashions should be the least of our concerns when confronted with the work God has set before us.

Scripture Reading: I Timothy 2:1-15.

Memory Verse: I Timothy 2:11.

1. Should we please the Lord? I Corinthians 10:31.
2. How can we remain perfect? Isaiah 26:3.
3. How great should our love be for God? Matthew 22:37.
4. How should women dress? I Timothy 2:9.
5. How did God make Adam and Eve? How were they dressed? Genesis 2:7, Genesis 2:21 & Genesis 2:25.
6. Should men and women wear each other’s apparel? Deuteronomy 22:5.
7. What change was made in Jacob’s household when he accepted the Lord? Genesis 35:2-5.
Note: Let us take close heed to God’s Word and come before Him with clean clothes and be a clean example to others in deeds, dress, and manner of adorning. God is not pleased with dirt; either spiritually or temporally.
8. How did Israel depart from God? Hosea 2:13.
9. When Israel returned to God what did they do with their jewelry? Exodus 35:22.
10. What kind of ornaments should God’s people wear? I Peter 3:3-5.
11. How will God deal with those in the Church who follow the ways and styles of the world in dressing? Isaiah 3:16-17.
12. What will God do with them? Isaiah 3:18-19.
13. Does He include the jewelry they wear? Isaiah 3:20-21.
14. What will men be doing at this time? Isaiah 3:25-26.
Note: The Prophet Isaiah made reference to the last days. We see much of this being fulfilled today by the Church people. The Apostle Paul spoke of the way women should dress. If we are God’s chosen people (the salt of the earth; and the light of the world) to carry the saving message to the world, then we (men and women) should dress very modestly. This necessitates laying aside the latest fashions and styles of the world.