Meditation and Prayer

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Preview: The importance of study, prayer, and reflecting on those things which we have learned is discussed in this lesson.

Scripture Reading: Mark 13:27-37.

Memory Verse: Colossians 4:2.

1. Why is it important that we always watch and pray according to the foregoing Scriptures?
2. What was Paul’s instruction to Timothy? I Timothy 4:12-16.
3. How important is meditation to a child of God? Psalm 1:2 & Psalm 104:33-34.
4. What did David say about his bedtime meditation? Psalm 63:6 & Psalm 119:148.
Note: Meditation means to think and re-think. It is to the soul what digestion is to the body. It assimilates, appropriates, and makes personal and practical that which has been seen and heard.
5. Why did David have more wisdom and understanding than his enemies and teachers? Psalm 119:97-99.
6. What was David’s prayer? Psalm 19:14.
7. Does the adversary try to disturb you in your time of meditation and prayer? I Peter 4:7 & I Peter 5:6-8.
8. When and by whom is one tempted? James 1:12-14.
9. How can we avoid falling into temptation? James 1:19-23 & Matthew 26:41.
10. How consistently should we pray? Romans 12:12.
Note: This does not mean that we must constantly bow before God in prayer, but we should be in a prayerful frame of mind; even when walking by the way or engaged in the duties of life.