Uncertain Riches

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Preview: Worldly possessions are discussed in light of God’s Word. It is essential to remember that it is not our money, possessions, or riches that are being judged by the Lord, but our attitude toward them.

Scripture Reading: Luke 12:16-21.

Memory Verse: I Timothy 6:10.

1. Consider the attitude of the man described in the foregoing Scripture Reading. Discuss. Luke 12:16-21.
2. Compare verse 18 and 19 to Proverbs 27:1 and James 4:13-16.
3. What else was wrong with this man’s attitude toward his wealth? Proverbs 18:11-12, Proverbs 26:12, Proverbs 28:11.
Note: It was not the fact that this man was rich that caused his troubles. It was his love for his riches. He trusted his own ability and his wealth instead of trusting God. His fortune became his glory.
4. What should be our glory? Jeremiah 9:23-24.
5. What happens to us when our desire is to gain wealth? I Timothy 6:9-10.
6. What will be the attitude of a true child of God? I Timothy 6:11 & I Timothy 6:17-19.
7. What had been the rich man’s attitude in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus? Luke 16:19-25, Luke 6:24.
Note: Apparently he had shown no mercy or concern for the needs of the poor.
8. What will money do for you in the day of death? Matthew 16:26, James 1:9-11, I Timothy 6:7, Proverbs 10:2-3.
Note: As Christ told the rich man in Luke 12:20 -When death comes all of these things go to someone else.
9. Is this true of all who spend their time making a living and have no time to make a life (with Christ)? Luke 12:21-23.
10. What did He instruct us to do? Luke 12:24-31.
11. What has He promised to all who will put their trust in Him? Luke 12:32.
Note: God does not forbid us to have wealth. In fact, He has promised us the Kingdom. It is our greed for worldly gain that He condemns. It is possible to be poor and yet greedy. The key is to seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness; then He will add the other things.