Tattler and Talebearer

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Preview: Lying and gossiping and prohibited by the Lord because they cause nothing but chaos and hurt.

Scripture Reading: I Timothy 5:15-25.

Memory Verse: I Timothy 5:19.

1. What will be the doom of the liar? Revelation 21:8.
2. Will tattlers or liars enter the Kingdom? Revelation 21:7.
3. What will be the reward of those that love to tattle and make a lie? Revelation 22:15.
4. Was Cain a liar? Genesis 4:8-9.
Note: A tattler is one who invents a lie, and a talebearer is one who bears the false story.
5. Are lying, tale-bearing, and tattling inherited? John 8:44.
6. Why was the Devil cast out of Heaven? Revelation 12:9-10.
7. Is the Devil busy at this time on earth? I Peter 5:8.
Note: Tattling and tale-bearing have separated many good friends. There are many that cannot keep from tattling, but pass it to others, and expect them to keep what they themselves cannot. Many are interested in the life of a man before their conversion as they enjoy digging up that which had been buried.
8. What will one do for a neighbor he loves? Proverbs 17:9.
9. What will be the end of tattlers and liars? Proverbs 19:9.
10. What class will they be in that do not believe God’s record? I John 5:10.
11. What will those be called that don’t keep the Commandments? I John 2:4.
Note: Tattling and tale-bearing are more dangerous than a bomb.