The Fall and Redemption of Man

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Preview: Man has free will, and unfortunately, frequently uses that freedom to make choices that are contrary to God and man. God has provided a way to redeem sinners from their sins.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 40:1-13.

Memory Verse: Psalm 37:27.

1. Do we find David confessing his sin and seeking God’s forgiveness in the foregoing Scripture Reading?
2. How did Adam violate God’s Commandments? Genesis 3:1-6.
3. How did their transgression affect all of mankind? Romans 5:12, Romans 5:14 & Romans 5:18.
Note: Through Adam’s sin, death and sin came on all of the human race, but God in His love and mercy had a plan for man’s redemption.
4. Who was this Redeemer? Romans 5:15-17, Romans 5:19 & Romans 5:21.
5. Did Jesus purchase our redemption through much suffering? Hebrews 5:5-9.
6. What was Paul’s prayer for the Corinthian Church? II Corinthians 5:20-21.
7. Does being reconciled to God mean we are new creatures through Christ? II Corinthians 5:14-19.
Note: This new creation comes through a new birth. Until this takes place, we cannot be a true servant of God.
8. What is the purpose of Christ’s great work of reconciliation? Colossians 1:21-22.
9. Did the death of Jesus bring reconciliation to both Jew and Gentile? Ephesians 2:11-20.
Note: Through the shed blood of Jesus Christ the Gentiles were reconciled to God. They became part of the commonwealth of Israel. God did not set up a new system for the Gentile Christians, but He adopted them into His system that existed before the world was made. Therefore His laws are applicable for all Christians, not just Jews.
10. Did God make this sacrifice because man was good or because of His love for us? Ephesians 2:1-10.