What Makes Us Free From Sin?

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Preview: A careful study of Christ’s teachings will reveal what now frees us from sin. 

Scripture Reading: Romans 10:11-18. 

Memory Verse: John 8:32. 

1. What was Christ's mission to this world? Matthew 1:21. 
2. By what method are we saved? Ephesians 2:8-9. 
Note: Salvation is a gift from God. You can’t earn it or buy it; but we are not saved apart from truth, or apart from the Commandments as we cannot separate the truth from grace. 
3. What is the first step to salvation? Romans 10:17. 
4. How can we please the Lord? Hebrews 11:6. 
5. How do we learn of Christ Jesus? John 5:39. 
Note: It is truth that makes us free. Truth gives us faith as we accept the Word. Christ saved us by His grace. 
6. What was Peter’s answer when sinners asked what they should do? Acts 2:37-38. 
7. What is sin? I John 3:4. 
Note: Repentance is not without the Law, because sin is the transgression of the Law. There would be no sin if the law did not exist. There would be no need for repentance if there was no sin. 
8. What brings sinners to Christ? Galatians 3:24. 
9. Has the Lord Jesus made any allowance for those that do not know all of the truth? Discuss. James 4:17, Luke 12:47-48. 
10. Will the Lord excuse those that have not heard of the Sabbath? Why? Discuss. John 9:41. 
11. What will the Lord do for those who follow God’s way? John 10:9. 
12. How did Paul reprove the Jews? Romans 2:17-21. 
13. What excuse would the Jews have had if Jesus had not spoken to them? John 15:22. 
14. Does Jesus have sheep in other folds? Who are they and what does "folds" represent? John 10:16. 
Note: God has sheep who know less about His truth than others. These sheep must be drawn to the fold where they can see and accept all of the truth. God is expecting you and I to find the lost ones and lead them to Him. 
15. Who will be calling the children out of Babylon and why? Revelation 18:2-5. 
16. Can the children of God exist with their present knowledge? Discuss. Proverbs 29:18. 
17. How are the children of God directed to grow? II Peter 3:18. 
Note: Our early reformers died as martyrs with less knowledge than we have. Dare we condemn them? Shame on the man or woman who doesn’t admire them for the courage they had to stand for the truth they saw. 
18. How did Jesus answer Peter as to His interest in the other man? John 21:22. 
19. What are we admonished to do for our brother? Romans 14:13.