Pagan Traditions

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Preview: The intent of this lesson is to take a glimpse of the influence of paganism around us. Our most sacred religious festivals (Christmas and Easter) are copies of pagan festivals and are filled with their symbols, even in countries which do not believe in Jesus Christ. The effect of paganism on Christianity is exactly what God predicted; even the days of the week are all named after pagan gods or goddesses. We could go on and on. May God grant us deliverance from these things, that our religious life may not be contaminated.

Scripture Reading: I Samuel 8:1-22.

Memory Verse: Leviticus 18:30.

1. What warning did God give Israel? Exodus 34:12.
2. How were His people to deal with their religious customs? Why? Exodus 34:13-14.
3. Did God point out that their religion would lead His people astray? Exodus 34:15-16.
4. Did the children of Israel obey God in this respect? Numbers 25:1-3.
5. Did God send prophets to warn them of their evil ways? Did they hear? Jeremiah 44:4-5.
6. Were they convinced that the idols heard them and blessed them? Jeremiah 44:15-18.
Note: The same spirit of deception that was among the children of Israel in that day is still among the churches. There are people that are so sure that what they have received is a blessing from God (and perhaps it could be) that they refuse further light from God’s Word. There are two extremes: those who reject everything their parents believed and taught, and those who will not receive anything but that.
7. What warning did God give us? Jeremiah 10:2.
8. Did God enumerate some of the things we are not to worship? Deuteronomy 4:14-19.
9. What is the danger of being part of these systems? II Corinthians 6:14-18 & Revelation 18:4.
Note: It is extremely difficult to remain in these heathen systems and not be polluted. Jesus told His disciples they would be put out of the synagogue. When one begins to show people that Christmas is pagan; that Jesus was not crucified on Friday, but on Wednesday; that we are not commanded to keep Sunday, but the Sabbath; it will not be long until that individual will find himself on the outside.
10. How did Peter and John answer the religious leaders? Acts 4:18-20.