A Castaway

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Preview: The love of God must come before all else in our lives.

Scripture Reading: I Corinthians 9:19-27.

Memory Verse: Matthew 10:37.

1. What is the first Commandment? Exodus 20:3.
2. Can we be a castaway by loving family more than God? Matthew 10:37.
3. Can saints love their worldly possessions? I John 2:15.
4. What will happen if we give in to our fleshly desires? I John 2:16.
5. Who only can remain the sons of God? Romans 8:14 & I John 2:17.
6. How much should we love our Heavenly Father? Mark 12:30.
7. How much love for our fellowman should we possess? Mark 12:31.
Note: The great sin of this day is of loving our own more than God so that God becomes second. The Lord will not accept second place in anyone’s heart. He wants first place.
8. What is the great sin of the last days? II Timothy 3:1-5.
Note: Another sin that is prevalent is love for oneself. There is no room for God in the heart of one who puts himself before Him.
9. What will godly love in our hearts do for our neighbors? Romans 13:10.
10. What is the greatest love man can possess? John 15:13.
11. What is the greatest evil of this world? I Timothy 6:10.
12. Where does godly love come from? I John 4:7-8.
13. What must those do that have fallen from their first love? Revelation 2:4-5.
14. What will the Lord do for us when we have turned indifferent to Him and His Church? Revelation 3:15-16.
Note: Love is real and powerful. Godly love cannot be hidden under a bushel basket.
15. Are the works of the flesh idolatry? Galatians 5:19-21.
16. Will those who have a love of idolatry inherit the Kingdom of God? I Corinthians 6:9-10.
Note: The love for worldly things and self is idolatry.