As It Was in the Days of Noah

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Preview: Noah’s story as it relates to world conditions today.

Scripture Reading: Genesis 6:1-13.

Memory Verse: Matthew 24:38.

1. Discuss the spiritual condition of Noah’s day. How does it compare to the moral and social condition of the world today?
2. What was the attitude of the people then and now? II Peter 2:1-3 & II Peter 2:10-14.
3. How did Jude describe man’s spiritual condition in the last days? Jude 1:14-19.
Note: In Noah’s day the wickedness of man had become so great that every imagination of the thought of their hearts were only evil continually. When we look around at the things that are transpiring in our world today we must conclude that we are rapidly arriving at the same condition of immorality that existed in the days of Noah.
4. What warning does Paul give us concerning sin? Ephesians 5:1-16.
5. Are we all born under a sentence of death? II Corinthians 1:9-10.
Note: It was appointed unto man once to die, but through Jesus Christ we can avoid the second death.
6. What was God’s covenant with Noah? Genesis 8:1-3, Genesis 8:21-22 & Genesis 9:8-11.
7. Why did God make this covenant with him? Genesis 6:17-22, Genesis 7:1 & Genesis 7:5.
Note: God saw that Noah had a righteous heart and an obedient spirit, therefore, He spared his life. We also must have the same kind of heart and spirit if we hope to escape the wrath of God.
8. Was Noah an heir of God’s righteousness by faith or by works? Hebrews 11:7 & Romans 4:4-5.
Note: It was his faith that caused him to obey God’s instructions.
9. What is the sign that is still visible today of God’s covenant with Noah? Genesis 9:12-17.
10. What will be the final destruction of this world system? II Peter 3:3-7 & II Peter 3:10-13.
Note: God will never again destroy the earth with water. Next time it will be by fire. We cannot build an ark against the flames, but Jesus Christ is a refuge for all who will accept Him. Those who will not will be destroyed. Are you in the ark of safety? Read: II Peter 2:18-22.