Death! What Then?

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Preview: What happens after death according to the Bible?

Scripture Reading: I Corinthians 15:12-29.

Memory Verse: Hebrews 9:27.

1. Can we understand from the foregoing Scriptures how Christ (through His life, death, and resurrection) brought deliverance to all who will receive Him as Lord and Savior?
2. How did David and Solomon describe the state of the dead? Psalm 6:5 & Ecclesiastes 9:4-6.
3. Did Job and Isaiah confirm this same viewpoint? Job 14:12-14 & Isaiah 38:18.
Note: These men wrote under the inspiration of the Spirit. All understand that there is no hope to attain salvation after death. Therefore, in this life we must make our peace with God.
4. What is the root cause of death? Genesis 2:15-17, Romans 5:12 & Romans 6:23.
Note: If there had been no transgression of God’s Laws, there would have been no sickness and death.
5. On what authority do we have the assurance of a new life? Romans 5:14, Romans 5:17-18, Romans 5:21, II Timothy 1:8-10 & Isaiah 25:8.
6. When will death finally be abolished? I Corinthians 15:24-26 & I Corinthians 15:51-58.
7. Is there a difference in the death of the righteous and the unrighteous? Revelation 14:12-13, Psalm 23:4, Ezekiel 33:9 & Ezekiel 33:11.
8. What was Paul’s attitude toward death? Acts 21:10-14, Philippians 1:20-24, Hebrews 2:9 & Hebrews 2:14-15.
Note: Paul made it clear that death loses its sting and fear when one is sure that he has put on the righteousness of Christ. This is a gift made available to all.
9. What is the difference in the first and second resurrection? Revelation 2:10-11, Revelation 20:4-6, Revelation 20:11-12 & Revelation 20:15.
10. What is promised to those who die in the Lord? Revelation 21:1-4 & Revelation 21:6-7.
Note: We can have no real peace in this life until we are prepared to die.