Encamped by God's Angels

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Preview: God’s angels are all around us. We have examples throughout the Bible to reveal how they go about God’s work and help His followers.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 34:1-10.

Memory Verse: Psalm 34:7.

1. What unusual command did God give to Abraham? Genesis 22:1-2.
2. How did Abraham respond to God’s command? Genesis 22:3 & Genesis 22:9-10.
3. What message did Abraham receive while he endeavored to carry out God’s order? Who delivered the message? Genesis 22:11-12.
4. What miracle did Abraham behold when he looked behind him? Genesis 22:13.
5. Did God’s angel give another message to Abraham? What was it? Genesis 22:15-18.
Note: The righteous are never alone nor forsaken. God’s angels are encamped around His children to comfort, direct, and protect them.
6. Who visited the home of Lot in the city of Sodom? Genesis 19:1-3.
7. What affect did Lot’s visitors have on the men of Sodom? Genesis 19:4-5.
8. Did Lot attempt to calm the disturbance? Genesis 19:6-8.
9. How did the men of Sodom respond to Lot’s plea for peace? Genesis 19:9.
10. Who took charge of the matter? What did they do? Genesis 19:10-11.
11. What advice did Lot’s visitors give him? Genesis 19:12-13.
12. Did the angels urge Lot to follow the advice they had given to him? Genesis 19:15-16.
13. Where did Lot go? What happened to Sodom and Gomorrah and the inhabitants of those cities after Lot escaped? Genesis 19:23-25.