Gossiping and Backbiting

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Preview: While it seems ridiculous to have to point out that gossiping and backbiting are against God and contrary to all that we know to be good and true, it is still an important lesson to think about in our daily lives. It is very easy to fall into a pattern that slowly leads into speaking more than we should. 

Scripture Reading: Matthew 13:18-29. 

Memory Verse: Matthew 13:25. 

1. What does the ninth Commandment forbid? Exodus 20:16. 
2. What did John the Baptist instruct the soldier who asked him advice concerning the way of life? Luke 3:14. 
3. What did Christ teach of the importance of guarding our speech? Matthew 12:36-37. 
4. To whom are all our words known? Psalm 139:4. 
5. Of what is one’s word an index? Matthew 12:34. 
Note: The object of the ninth Commandment is to guard the rights, interest, and reputation of our neighbor by guarding our conversation. 
6. What conduct is condemned by the Scriptures? Leviticus 19:16. 
7. To what are the words of a talebearer compared? Proverbs 26:22. 
8. What are their efforts? Proverbs 17:19. 
9. What would be the result if there were no talebearers? Proverbs 26:20. 
10. What did Paul fear he would find among the Corinthian Church? II Corinthians 12:20. 
11. What results follow backbiting and similar evils? Galatians 5:14-15. 
Note: He that lends an easy ear to slanders or false reports is either a man of very mean morals or has not any more sense of understanding than a child. 
12. To whom is the promise made of abiding in the tabernacle of the Lord or dwelling in His Holy Hills? Psalm 15:2-3. 
13. What caution is given in regard to an accusation against an elder? I Timothy 5:19. 
14. Discuss why or why not. James 3:7-8. 
Note: Never carry a sword in your tongue to wound the reputation of anyone. Say what you have to say to the individual and let that be with grace seasoned with salt. How few govern their conversation under this rule. 
15. For what should we pray? Psalm 141:3. 
16. What was David’s vow in regard to using his tongue? Psalm 39:1. 
17. What is the best cure for gossip? Matthew 22:39.