How We Obtain Salvation

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Preview: The steps necessary to gain our own salvation are outlined in this lesson. Do them and live, ignore them and God cannot help you. The power is in our own hands to earn our eternal reward. 

Scripture Reading: John 3:1-7. 

Memory Verse: Acts 4:12. 

1. How may we have faith to believe? Romans 10:13-17. 
Note: It is through hearing God’s Word that we learn of God and receive faith to believe that He exists. 
2. What kind of repentance is required for salvation? II Corinthians 7:9-10. 
3. Why should we confess our sins? I John 1:9 & James 5:16. 
4. Why is baptism essential to salvation? Acts 2:37-38. 
5. Who commanded us to be baptized? Matthew 28:19-20. 
6. Whose prayers does God hear: Those who want to live in sin or those who revere Him? John 9:31. 
Note: God hears the prayers of people who want to get away from sin, but He does not hear the prayers of those who want to continue in sin. 
7. By what name are we saved? Acts 4:10-12. 
8. How does one become a member of the true Church? Acts 2:47. 
9. For what purpose was Jesus born? Matthew 1:21. 
10. How are we to test Christian leaders of this day? Isaiah 8:20. 
11. What example should we follow? Acts 17:10-11. 
12. How may we know we are saved? I John 2:3. 
13. Will we continue in sin if we are born from above? Discuss. I John 3:8-9. 
14. How should we strive to be? Matthew 5:48. 
15. How often shall we grow in knowledge and grace? II Peter 3:18.