Controlling Anger

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Preview: In this lesson, we will explore the wisdom of the Bible on the topic of controlling anger. Anger is a natural human emotion, but how we manage it can significantly impact our relationships and our walk with God. 


Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4:26-32. 

Memory Verse: Psalm 37:8. 


1. What does the Bible teach about the emotion of anger? Proverbs 14:29. 

2. Which prominent figure do we find in the Old Testament struggling with anger? Numbers 20:10-12. 

3. How are we advised to handle anger without sinning? James 1:19-20. 

4. How can we apply biblical principles to control anger and avoid sin? Proverbs 15:1-4. 

Note: Responding with gentleness and kind words can defuse anger and promote understanding.

5. What does the Bible say about the consequences of unchecked anger? Proverbs 29:22. 

6. How does the story of Cain illustrate the dangers of uncontrolled anger? Genesis 4:5-7. 

7. What advice does Jesus offer on resolving conflicts and anger within the church community? Matthew 18:15-17. 

8. How can we practically implement the biblical principle of reconciliation in our relationships? Romans 12:18-21. 

9. What does the Bible say about anger and forgiveness? Colossians 3:13. 

10. How does Paul encourage us to imitate God's forgiveness in our lives? Ephesians 4:32. 

Note: Forgiveness is an essential aspect of controlling anger and fostering peace.

11. What does the Bible say about anger and the words we speak? Proverbs 15:18. 

12. How are we cautioned against destructive speech and anger? Colossians 4:6. 

13. What principles can help us find peace and release anger's hold on our lives? Psalm 37:8. 

14. How does the Bible guide us in seeking God's help to control anger and grow in patience? Psalm 51:10-12.

15. How can we apply the lessons from Scripture to our daily lives in managing anger. Discuss your thoughts.


Conclusion: Controlling anger is a biblical principle that promotes peace, forgiveness, and reconciliation. By studying and applying the wisdom of the Bible, we can become slow to anger and quick to forgive, allowing the love and grace of God to shine through our lives. Let us remember the memory verse from Ephesians 4:26 as we seek to control our anger and live in accordance with God's Word.