Teachings of Jesus

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Scripture Reading: John 7:32-44.


Memory Verse: Acts 2:17


1. What report did the officers bring who were sent to take Jesus? John 7:46.

2. How did Christ teach the people? John 7:29. 

NOTE: The teaching of the Scribes and Elders was cold and formal. To them the Word of God possessed no vital power. Their own ideas and traditions were substituted for its teachings. They professed to explain the Law, but no inspiration from God stirred their hearts or the hearts of the hearers. 

3. What caused Christ's teachings to be so impressive? Luke 4:32.

4. What was Christ led by? Luke 4:1.

5. Was the Spirit given to Christ by measure? John 3:34.

6. Who was teaching with parables foretold in the days of the Prophets? Psalm 78:2.

7. Did Christ fulfill the prophecy concerning Himself? Discuss. Matthew 13: 34-35.

8. What question was asked by those who heard Christ teaching? Matthew 13:54. 

9. What did the prophet say Christ would do with the Law? Isaiah 42:21.

10. How did Christ fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah? Matthew 5:17-20.

11. How did Nicodemus describe Christ? John 3:2.

12. What did the woman do who heard Christ at Jacob's well? What question did she ask? John 4:28-29.

13. How did the words of Christ affect the hearts of the two men on their way to the village of Emmaus? Luke 24:32.

NOTE: Christ spoke with power, but not with a great outward demonstration. His words impressed and convinced those who heard him. 

14. To whom did Christ direct the attention of His hearers? Luke 24:27, Luke 24:44, Luke 24: 45.