Ten Commandments for a Happy Marriage

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 Ten Commandments


  1. Don’t marry in haste or you may repent in leisure.
  2. Have a home of your own as soon as possible, no matter how small. By your marriage you transfer your allegiance from your father’s house to your own. Keep it there and save trouble.
  3. Make a family budget and live up to it. The only way to get ahead financially is to spend less than you receive. Follow the 10-10 plan- ten percent for the Lord; 10 percent saved.
  4. Observe birthdays and anniversaries. They are windows to a home. Continue courting and you will stay out of court.
  5. Watch the little things. Sharp words, annoying habits. One match will start a fire. Never get angry at the same time.
  6. Practice your religion at home. If it won’t work there, there is something wrong with your religion or you. Find out which. Look for the best in life, not the worst. Show appreciation for the virtue of others and try to overlook the faults. Trust each other resolutely, joyfully, patiently, and everlastingly.
  7. Learn to pray together and aloud. If you are too busy to read the Bible and pray daily, you are busier than the Lord ever intended for you to be, and you are busy about the wrong things.
  8. Serve the Lord and His Church. If you are of different faiths, try to unite: you will be happier. Think of the children. You wouldn’t live in a city without churches. If you want the benefits, be willing to share the responsibilities.
  9. Regard children as among God’s greatest gifts. Have them and treat them as such.
  10. Have suitable recreation with friends of your own age and station. Keeping up with the Jones’ makes trouble. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, but no work and all play is worse.


Finally, hear the words of the Lord, “A new commandment I give unto you, that ye shall love one another.”


Copied from the Taylorsville Times Thursday June 22, 1972 issue.


Dr. Herbert Spaugh in his column Everyday Counselor has set up a set of blueprints for a good marriage which he calls his “Ten Commandments for a Happy Marriage.” These commandments seem particularly appropriate for the Brides’ Month of June.